The dollar and the Euro woke up after a month of “hibernation”. What are exchange rates

The dollar and the Euro woke up after a month of “hibernation”. What are exchange rates © Reuters A possible victory for trump in the presidential election in the USA will negatively affect the dollar. On Friday November 4 morning, the dollar and the Euro seemed to have woken up after a month of “hibernation” and went up. Experts explain it this way: the beginning of the month, people paid a salary. And those who could, went to the exchange […]

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In Ukraine have spread the price of bread. Forecasts of experts

In Ukraine have spread the price of bread. Forecasts of experts © UNIAN Until the end of the year a loaf of bread could rise to 12 hryvnia. Bread in Ukraine may increase. According to state statistics, only the first half of October, wheat bread from flour rose in price by 6 cents. A rye and wheat-rye – by 5 cents. This is stated in the plot program “snidanok z “1+1”. And this is only the beginning, experts warn. Until […]

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Morning at the gas station began with the change of the price tags. The average cost of fuel for November 7

Morning at the gas station began with the change of the price tags. The average cost of fuel for November 7 © UNIAN A liter of A-95 gasoline costs an average of 23.12 of the hryvnia. On the Ukrainian gas stations over the weekend has again risen in price fuel. This is stated in the plot program “snidanok z “1+1”. A liter of gasoline category A-95 in average in Ukraine today, November 7, is of 23.12. Depending on the gas […]

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The Green party of Ukraine returns to politics

True The Green party of Ukraine returns to politics The Green party of Ukraine can not remain aloof from what is happening in the country. According to party leaders, despite the priority issues of the war in the Donbass, it is impossible to ignore the growing issues of environmental degradation in Ukraine. November 5, 2 stage, 28 Congress of the Party adopted a number of resolutions. The Green party of Ukraine appealed to the European Green Party to support the […]

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In Kiev, declared a storm warning

In Kiev, declared a storm warning © Reuters Expected wind gusts of 15-20 m/sec. 7 November in Kyiv, Ukraine declared a storm warning. It is reported the KSCA, with reference to the Ukrainian hydrometeorological center. Expected wind gusts of 15-20 meters per second”, – is spoken in the message. In management concerning emergency situations reminded that in the event of falling trees or branches, as well as the injured people you must immediately inform the emergency services by phone: 101 […]

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