Mobile phones, iron, sledgehammer, and dentures in a jar: the lost passengers in the underground

Kiev metro notes that passengers often lose wallets, umbrellas, hats, bags or packages with personal belongings. It all ends up in the lost and found at the station “Nivki”. “The subway was lost ( in 2017) 21 mobile phone and three electronic gadgets: one laptop, one tablet and one e-book. Also, passengers were returned to the ring and cash in the amount of 2600 UAH. Some passengers forget in the subway unexpected things. Thus, among the finds was an iron […]

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A policeman who robbed passengers at the railway station in Kiev, escaped from house arrest

The patrol COP who is suspected in a series of robberies while on duty at the Central railway station of Kyiv, has escaped from house arrest. It is reported by the Prosecutor’s office. Videocamera victims willing to testify in court against the cops who robbed people at the station TSN. 16:45 7 Sep, 17:03 Facebook VKontakte Google+ Twitter 1 Viber 34-the summer Lieutenant of police several times he was on calls of the investigator. It was later revealed that he […]

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Official Kiev taxi drivers accused cops in the dominance of carrier-illegals

Ukrainian taxi Association accused of ignoring the illegal taxi drivers, which are harmful to the official carriers and jeopardize the lives of passengers. However, the study of journalists found that incidents and even tragedies happen in a taxi regardless of official or illegal, according to a story TSN.19:30. Ukrainian taxi are divided into three categories: corporate, private cars, taxis, where drivers are entrepreneurs receive orders from the official dispatchers, and illegals. As shown last year, it is possible to get […]

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Feel like a hindrance to others: journalists tried to go to Kiev for new speed limits

New traffic rules that limit the speed in cities is 50 km/h, has not yet entered into force, and some of the people of Kiev are already accustom ourselves to a slow drive. To train to ride so as not to get a fine of 3,400 hryvnia, decided and journalists, says the story TSN.19:30. From Kiev Eldar for the second week goes on-new – at the speed of 50 plus permitted 9 excess. And not feel conscientious driver who has […]

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In Kiev, near the pizzeria there was a mass brawl with shooting

In Kiev on the evening of 13 December at the pizzeria on the street vassilkovskaya occurred a mass brawl with the shooting. About it reports Kyiv Operational. According to preliminary information, between two groups of people, a conflict broke out, which escalated into a fight with the shooting. Caution! Profanity! Community reports that went in the course of traumatic weapons and gas sprays. As a result, injured six people. One of them was wounded in the shooting, another is […]

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