Astronaut showed a photo from space, night Kiev shines with thousands of lights

NASA astronaut Randy Bresnik posted on Twitter a photo of the night Kiev, which is illuminated by thousands of lights and creates an incredible fascinating picture. Photo was taken from space from the International space station (ISS). The astronaut also posted photos of nightlife Dublin (Ireland), Copenhagen (Denmark) and Edinburgh (Scotland). Good night from @Space_Station. Kiev Ukraine Dublin Ireland, Copenhagen Denmark, Edinburgh Scotland. — Randy Bresnik (@AstroKomrade) 11 Dec 2017 Kiev space ISS Saw a bug — Ctrl+Enter Letter […]

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On Darnitsa CHP began an extraordinary inspection because of the smoke

The state environmental Inspectorate on behalf of the head of the Ministry of ecology and natural resources conducts an unscheduled inspection of the Darnytsia combined heat and power, as reported by himself Ostap Semerak on the page in Facebook. “This object is breaking all records in the number of complaints received from citizens during my tenure as Minister. CHP is the heat for approximately 120 educational and medical institutions and more than 270 thousand residents of the capital. That is […]

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Near Kiev, the father and son robbed a gas station

In Borodyanka man with minor son, robbed a petrol station. This was reported in the GU of the National police in the Kiev region. “The attackers arrived by car to the petrol station in the dark. While the operator of the petrol station came out to refuel the car, the man entered the premises and stole from the cash register nearly 20 thousand hryvnias”, – is spoken in the message. According to the gas-station attendant, he noticed the robber and […]

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In Kiev at the gas station unknown beat the driver and made off

At the capital gas station unknown assailants beat the man, according to and asks all who can to help track down the attackers. Reportedly, the incident occurred at a gas station “Belarusian Republican youth Union” that the district. In a video posted in the group, seen as a passenger car Daewoo for unknown reasons pushes the column minibus. Then men open his door, pull out the driver and start beating. After the fight they go. What prompted the driver […]

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In Kiev, the student slipped and fell under the wheels of a van

Near one of the capital’s schools minibus ran over a student, according to The incident occurred on the street. Riflemen near the school №138. According to police, the boy walked along the parapet, when he overtook a cargo minibus Volkswagen, driving up food in school cafeteria and move down the pedestrian alley. Suddenly the child slipped and fell directly under the wheels. The bus ran over the student on the leg. A child in a state of shock hospitalized […]

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