In the center of Kiev, unidentified persons attacked a diplomat-a foreigner

In Kiev at night unknown persons attacked the employee of one of the embassies. This was reported in the capital Department of communication of the police. “From the security service of one of the embassies have received information that their employee unknown beat on the Independence Maidan”, – is spoken in the message. According to 40-year-old victim, he went in the night from Friday to Saturday in a fast food joint and listened to the player. When he rose from […]

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A gas explosion in Kiev: the daughter of the owner of the apartment tried to commit suicide

The cause of the explosion in 9-etazhke, which occurred on Sunday, November 5, evening in Solomenskiy district of Kiev, was the suicide attempt of the daughter of the owner of the apartment, says TSN.12:00. Burners deliberately opened a 52-year-old woman who was thus decided to kill herself. After the explosion in the apartment rescuers found the body of the deceased pensioner and another woman, still alive, her daughter. As it turned out, 81-year-old grandmother died a few days before. Videostrip […]

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In Kiev, a car crashed into a pole at the bus stop and broke

In Kiev on the street Academician Zabolotny middle of the road broke out of the car, according to a story TSN.12:00. The fire paralyzed the whole street, two rescue vehicles were trying to extinguish the car, but it burned to the ground. As it became known, the explosion occurred due to an accident, although at first suspected another terrorist attack. The car crashed into a pole near the stop from a powerful shot came off the wheel, and the parts […]

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On the Metropolitan highway at a roadside found the car with the corpse

On the Metropolitan highway at the roadside, passers-by discovered a car in which was the corpse of the man. This is reported by the Guards.Espresso. According to preliminary information, the man died a violent death. Now, the work operatives, handlers and investigative team. See also: In the pond in Vinnytsia found three bodies We will remind, in one of the houses on the street Polar in Kiev found a body of men associated with signs of severe beating. At about […]

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At the Metropolitan Obolon found bound and beaten to death man

In one of the houses on the street Polar in Kiev found a body of men associated with signs of severe beating. About it reports Kyiv Operational in Facebook. At about 23:00 to the law enforcement officers asked the woman who reported that within 4 days can not get in touch with her ex-husband. Subsequently, the body of a man found at his place of residence. At the scene worked investigative team, dog handlers, operatives Obolon up and patrol police. […]

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