“The camera on the ears to wear it.” In Kiev unknown pushed and threatened the journalists of TSN

Today, October 20, unknown persons attacked a film crew of TSN. The accident happened at about 15 hours in goloseyevsky Avenue. The journalists were filming a story about the dangerous pedestrian crossing of the Kiev and for any of those places witnessed the accident. When the operator began to remove the event, lady of the Audi, who was standing with a broken hood on the Avenue, began to interfere with the work crew. License plates at the time of filming, […]

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Minor provocations and insults the security forces: national police spoke about the situation at BP

The situation in Central Kiev near the Parliament, where is the tent city protesters, calm, significant conflicts do not arise, now the detainees there. This was stated by the chief of the National police of Ukraine in Kyiv Andriy kryschenko, writes “Interfax-Ukraine”. “Conflict was not. There were a few skirmishes at checkpoints, where police conducts verification activities. Some try to travel without checking, so there are disputes. But significant clashes or problems there,” he said. However, two days ago, when […]

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In Kiev, preparing charity ball of the ATO participants and volunteers

In the capital are prepared first in the history of the war in the East ball of the defenders of Ukraineto raise funds for the opening of the Museum of the ATO in Uman, the main exhibition which will be dedicated to the fallen Hero Andrew the Dogwood. Waltz will be soldiers from the front lines, the volunteers and even journalists, says the story TSN.19:30. Vadim Sukharev arrived at a rehearsal just with the war – he has great prestige […]

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After crush under Parliament detained 11 people

As the result of a crush in Kiev under the Verkhovna Rada between the police and the protesters had detained 11 people. This was stated by the speaker of the national police Yaroslav was Trakalo, writes UKRINFORM. “After the establishment of their personal data while obtaining explanations and preparation materials let them go,” he said Trakalo. Now let go 3 people. He added that because “the protesters resisted the police, indeed, were applied in the framework of the current legislation […]

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1500 UAH per night. In Kiev has covered a gang of pimps who “exposed” girls on the Avenue of Victory

In Kiev, exposed the gang of pimpswho lured women into prostitution. This was reported in the capital Department of communication of the police. “Organizers found the girls with their difficult financial situation and offered them jobs. After providing customers with sexual services, the pimps were taken from women almost all the money”, – stated in the message. As militiamen established, the gang consisted of five people per night, each girl earned about 1500 hryvnias from which they received a few […]

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