“Air Express”: in Kiev the Prosecutor’s office has made collections in favor SOEs over 94 million hryvnia

The city Prosecutor’s office of Kiev after the court had sought recovery from a commercial structure in favor of the Ministry of infrastructure of Ukraine and the State enterprise “Air Express” more than 94 million credit funds attracted under state guarantees for realization of national project “Air Express”, including the interest on them. About it informs the website of the Prosecutor’s office. In 2011, the Export-import Bank of China under the state guarantees provided to the State enterprise “Directorate for […]

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In a residential district of Kiev three dozen cars poured acid

Three dozens of car owners in the residential district of Kiev the morning to find their cars doused with acid, says TSN.16:45. Some small paint damage. Others need serious repair. Drivers consider that it is revenge businessmen who did not manage to build near the house paid Parking. On Tuesday, residents of nearby houses gathered and voted against the Parking area. The incident with the acid, not the first on this yard. In September, the attackers damaged two dozen cars.

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Klitschko called the date of the beginning of the heating season in Kyiv

Monday, October 16, in Kiev will begin to apply heat to the flats. The beginning of the heating season, announced the mayor of the capital Vitali Klitschko. “We are starting to turn on the heating when the average daily outside temperature drops below 8 degrees Celsius. Now the temperature is higher, however, the views of the people of Kiev were divided: part of requests to turn the heating on, others say you should wait and thus save money. Now schools, […]

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In Kiev Obolon car to death brought down the girl on a pedestrian crossing

In Kiev Obolon car Morris Garages got killed by a girl on a pedestrian crossing. About it reports “the Kiev Operational” on his page in Facebook. “Fatal accident at prospect Obolonskiy, near DreamTown Mall. The driver of the car MG says that she abruptly popped up on the crosswalk and he had no time to react”, – stated in the message. Fatal accident at prospect Obolonskiy, near the Mall #DreamTown. Video: https://youtu.be/D1TN_6D4EM8 the Driver of the vehicle… Kiev published Operational […]

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The bride’s bouquet with your own hands: walkthrough video

Advertising Our service includes free delivery of flowers in Kiev, paying by credit card, which is very convenient, given the “globalnost” an upcoming event. For making wedding bouquets florists our salon uses a variety of techniques. However, we will not be distracted, going into detail, let’s consider the most simple. Let’s create together the bride’s bouquet using the spiral technique. The article will be step by step instructions, below is the link to the video where you will see the […]

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