The Prosecutor General’s office summoned Saakashvili for questioning

The leader of the political party “new force” Mikheil Saakashvili was summoned for questioning to the Prosecutor General. The relevant information is posted on the website of the GPU. See also: Lawyers appealed against the arrest of the associate of Saakashvili, who is suspected of involvement in the fraud Kurchenko It should appear on Reznitskaya 18 Dec at 9.30 am. Saakashvili was summoned to the head of the priority orders of the Department of international legal cooperation of the Prosecutor […]

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Poroshenko will appoint “their” people to the National Commission on tariffs – mass media

The President of Ukraine Petro Poroshenko will appoint members to the National Commission, which performs state regulation in the energy and utilities (NKREKU) loyal to the current government of the people. Among them are officials who have been working in the field of regulation of tariffs. About it reports “Economic truth” with reference to a source in the government. See also: In Lviv can increase heating tariffs Among novonaznachennyj is Oksana Krivenko, which was engaged in the development and introduction […]

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Lutsenko told the consequences for the Russian Federation the construction of the Kerch bridge

Ukraine conducts ecological examination of the construction of the Kerch bridgeto judge Russia at the international level. This was stated by Prosecutor General of Ukraine Yuri Lutsenko during a press briefing. “A very important aspect of our work, as a counteraction to the possible ecological disasterthat may occur due to the construction of the so-called Kerch bridge. Now in the framework of criminal proceedings the Crimean Prosecutor’s office continues ecological expertise”, – he said. According to Lutsenko, if the likelihood […]

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Occupants in the morning with a search warrant raided by the Crimean Tatar activist detained his son

In S. harvest in the occupied Peninsula in the house of a Crimean Tatar activist Ibrahima Osmanova is the search. This is reported in the “Crimean solidarity”. See also: Veggie porridge: the life and death of the Crimean Tatar heroine According to his wife, law enforcers in masks broke into the house around 7 am. First, they ran to her bedroom, wanted to put it in night clothes on the floor. The Ottomans – Chairman of the Majlis of the […]

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“Slap Poroshenko and Lutsenko”: how politicians reacted to the court’s decision to let Saakashvili

The Ukrainian politicians on-to a miscellaneous reacted to the decision of the Pechersk district court to release unconditionally the leader of the “Movement novih forces” of Mikheil Saakashvili. Videobecause the court chose a measure of restraint Saakashvili TSN. Pdsmi day 12 December, 01:08 Facebook 1 VKontakte Google+ Twitter Viber So, the Deputy from the radical Igor Mosiychuk believes that the court’s decision “a public slap in the face” to President Petro Poroshenko and Prosecutor General Yury Lutsenko. See also: “I […]

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