Scandalous Onishchenko was in the hospital due to a fall from a horse in Spain

Scandalous people’s Deputy, the fugitive Alexander Onishchenko, during the competition, fell from his horse and broke his arm. He said this on his page in Instagram. See also: Igor Remv potrativ have reanimate after padna s horse “It happens in life. Slipped off the horse, woke up in a cast,” – said Onishchenko.   It happens in life. Slipped off the horse , woke up in a cast Sometimes happens between Competitions The message circulated Aleksandr Onyshenko (@aleksandr_onyshenko) Fox 3, […]

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Sytnik told about the problems because of the scandalous amendments to the criminal procedure code Lozovoy

The NACB Artem Sytnik said that got acquainted with the changes of the Criminal procedure code and saw “great risks” because of the amendments of the people’s Deputy Andrey Lozovoy. He said this during a report to the NEB in the first half of 2017 at a meeting of the anti-corruption Committee of the Verkhovna Rada. See also: Matios called changes in the code of criminal procedure, “criminal” and urged not to sign them “She’s (edit – Ed.) not spelled […]

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NABOO said about the mismatch of the controversial backpacks held tender

National anti-corruption Bureau said the discrepancy scandalous backpacks held tender. This was stated by Chairman NAB Sytnyk. “The backpacks we have, and no bracelets. Probably should have thought that it would be possible to purchase the bracelets, not the backpacks, which even at the time of determining the necessity of the purchase was in stock. Urgent need to buy these backpacks were not. And the worst thing in this matter is that these backpacks do not answer, and it podtverjdeno […]

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In the Parliament will block the resumption of cooperation, “Antonov” with the Russians

“Popular front” outraged by reports that Ukrainian state enterprise “Antonov” can resume servicing of aircraft An-124 Russian airline “Volga-Dnepr”. About it reports a press-party service. “All this cooperation had to be stopped in 2015 by the decision of the Government of Arseniy Yatsenyuk, – and so it should be up to our victory in the Ukrainian-Russian war. Such cooperation with Russian companies is immoral, and is clearly prohibited by current legislation of Ukraine”, – stated in the message. See also: […]

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USA in the OSCE assured that the humanitarian convoys from Russia to the Donbass region to prove its involvement in the conflict

Recently, Russia opened on the territory of Ukraine another convoy of trucks with unknown contents, that is strong evidence of Moscow’s involvement in the conflict in the Donbass. This was stated by Ambassador extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the United States at the Organization Harry Kamian, writes UKRINFORM. “Strong evidence of Russia’s participation in the conflict continue to take place. On 26 October, the convoy of 17 trucks crossed an internationally recognised Russian-Ukrainian border into Ukraine, without proper oversight or inspection […]

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