The investment Council of Ukraine has entered the top managers of the largest companies in the world

The President of Ukraine Petro Poroshenko has approved the personal composition of the National investment Council. The list includes his name, ten Ukrainian officials (Prime Minister, Parliament speaker, Ministers, the leadership of the presidential Administration), as well as 17 foreign nationals (top managers of companies and heads of international institutions). “The National investment Council began to take shape almost a year ago. Almost every participant was invited in person and each has confirmed his participation. And the list is still […]

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The exchange rate of bitcoin for the first time reached a record $ 5170

Today, 12 October, the rate of cryptanalytic bitcoin for the first time in its history, reached a record high of 5170 USD (plus 7.1 percent). Now the bids are at the level 5144-5147 dollars. Such data results In early September, bitcoin briefly rose above 5 thousand dollars. Such data are cited by CoinDesk, reports “Interfax”. The rapid growth of bitcoin happened once the government of China announced the recent easing of prohibitions on transactions with cryptocurrency. Another reason is […]

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Ukrainian business has predicted the dollar for the next year

Waiting for the hryvnia devaluation and the dollar respectively, will grow in price and will range from 27 to 30 UAH. Such forecasts was expressed by the representatives of Ukrainian business, a traditional survey which is conducted by the national Bank. “The continued stability in the foreign exchange market in the third quarter of this year contributed to the weakening of devaluation expectations of the business. The expected average rate of the hryvnia strengthened for the second consecutive quarter – […]

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The money of the Ministry of defense through “trade, Commodity” laundered in a simple “Khrushchev” five

The office of the company “trade, Commodity”, which is suspected of involvement in corruption schemes on the purchase of fuel for the Ministry of defence of Ukraine located in the typical “Khrushchev” city monay Dnipropetrovsk region. As the correspondent of TSN, the firm occupies three apartments in two entrances on the ground floor. The locals never knew what spetsializiruyutsya office workers, but they say that the room was guarded by, and before him the business did Valet Parking. With people […]

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“Three criminal cases in the Russian Federation”. Poltorak assured that one of his suspects in the theft of the Deputy’s nowhere to run

Deputy Minister of defence of Ukraine Igor Pavlovsky, the detainee on suspicion in corruption, nowhere to flee the country. This was stated by the head of the defense Ministry Stepan Poltorak, says the TV channel “112 Ukraine”. “General Pavlovsky performed their duties from the first day of the aggression, they performed quite professionally, was the leader of the anti-terrorist operation “Mariupol” during active hostilities there. But if he involved in the crime, he should answer for it. Pavlovsky running precisely […]

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