In Kiev will establish a further three thousand surveillance cameras

In the near future on the streets of the capital will additionally install 3 thousands of surveillance cameras. Now they are almost 5 thousand. “I thank the members of the National police, thanks to the professional actions of which failed in less than a day to find and arrest individuals who stole yesterday in Kiev, in kindergarten polutoratysyachnogo girl. And for such a prompt and effective result once again proves the correctness of our actions to implement in our town […]

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The Network has published a video of the suspect in the kidnapping of the baby: “I Wanted to take it to the police”

20-year-old girl in Kiev kidnapped a 1.5 month old baby, said that supposedly was going to give the baby to the police. The corresponding video was published “Kiev operational”. The suspect in the abduction told that he heard from his father of the baby that he doesn’t want a child, so she decided to pick it up and then take to the police. “I was walking near the market, and there people said: “I this child does not need I […]

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The kidnapper of the baby in Kiev told that their dead baby was thrown in the trash

The woman suspected of kidnapping a 1.5 month old baby, told the police that her dead child was thrown in the trash. This was during the briefing said the head of state of Ukraine in Kyiv Andriy kryschenko. The police officer said that the stolen baby found in vagonchiki at the sawmill near the village of novosilky of the Kiev region, where the roommate of the suspect works as a watchman. The baby has been examined by experts and conveyed […]

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Took someone else’s child because he lost his. Gerashchenko called the motives of the abduction of a child in Kiev

The people’s Deputy of Ukraine Anton Gerashchenko announced the motives of two of the kidnappers who took someone else’s baby near a kindergarten in Kiev. To find the baby and two of the attackers, the police took less than a day. Failed to detect them due to the camera recording in one of the pharmacies of Vyshgorod – a policeman saw a man and woman who fell under the description of the kidnappers. As it turned out, the couple recently […]

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“The baby’s fine.” Avakov announced the details of the arrest of the kidnappers of the baby

Kidnapped in Kiev, near the kindergarten the little child discovered and feels fine. This was announced by the Minister of internal Affairs of Ukraine Arsen Avakov. According to him, detained two suspects in the kidnapping. “Just in Vyshgorod police found a stolen yesterday in Kiev, 2-month-old baby. Two of the kidnappers arrested. The baby’s fine,” wrote the Minister on Twitter, adding a photo of the baby. Just in Vyshgorod police found a stolen yesterday in Kiev the 2-month-old baby. Two […]

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